How a Mastermind for Brand Designers Could Be A Creative Catalyst for Your Business


Feeling underappreciated by your clients and underpaid for your expertise?  Like your brand design business is stuck in a perpetual holding pattern of overwork and client demands?

It’s a frustrating reality for many talented brand designers – pouring your heart into beautiful and strategic work, only to feel undervalued, overworked, and unsure of how to reach the next level.

But what if there was a way to break free from the isolation, gain clarity on your vision, and achieve your biggest goals with the support of an experienced guide? That’s where the power of my Blossom + Build mastermind for brand designers comes in.

If you’re a brand designer who’s ever wondered:

  • What exactly is a mastermind?
  • What is the average cost of a mastermind and how frequently should it meet?
  • Is it worth the investment of time and money?

Then this blog post is for you. 

Let’s uncover how a mastermind for brand designers can be the catalyst that propels your business to new heights.

About Eryn Morgan

Hi, I’m Eryn Morgan, a Business Coach who specializes in helping brand designers and other creatives build profitable, fulfilling businesses.

Over the last 10 years, I’ve worked with hundreds of talented women who were struggling with the same challenges you might be facing: inconsistent income, undercharging, overwhelm, and lack of a clear roadmap for growth.

Through my coaching programs and masterminds, I’ve helped them transform their businesses, increase their income, and create more freedom and flexibility in their lives.

I’m passionate about helping creatives like you ditch the hustle and create businesses that you truly love.

Common Struggles of a Brand Designer

As a brand designer, you’re more than just a logo or color palette curator. 

You’re a storyteller, a strategist, a visual communicator, and a brand whisperer. You have the power to shape perceptions, evoke emotions, and transform businesses through the power of design.

But with that power comes a unique set of challenges. You’re not alone if you’re facing these common struggles as a brand designer:

  • The “One-Trick Pony” Syndrome: You feel pigeonholed into creating only logos or visual assets, and you crave opportunities to expand your services and offer more strategic brand consulting.
  • The “Scope Creep” Struggle: You’re constantly battling scope creep, where projects balloon beyond their original parameters, leaving you feeling overworked and underpaid.
  • The “Value Communication” Conundrum: You know your work is valuable, but you struggle to articulate that value to clients who may not fully understand the depth and complexity of brand design.
  • The “Creative Burnout” Blues: You’re passionate about your work, but the constant pressure to deliver fresh, innovative designs can lead to creative burnout and a lack of inspiration.

If you’re nodding along, it’s time to explore a solution that could revolutionize your business: a mastermind for brand designers.

Elevate Your Brand Design Business – Learn More

What is a Mastermind for Brand Designers?

A mastermind is more than just a networking group or a casual coffee chat with colleagues. It’s a structured, collaborative group of like-minded professionals who come together to support each other’s growth and achieve their goals.

Think of it like a personal board of advisors, a collective brain trust, or a team of cheerleaders (with killer business advice) all rolled into one.

In the context of brand design, a mastermind group can be a game-changer. It’s a safe space where you can:

  • Share your challenges and get expert feedback: Bounce ideas off fellow designers, troubleshoot technical issues, and get fresh perspectives on your business strategies.
  • Learn from the best: Gain insights and knowledge from experienced brand designers who have been where you are and can help you avoid common pitfalls.
  • Stay accountable and motivated: Set ambitious goals, track your progress, and receive support and encouragement from your mastermind peers.
  • Expand your network and build relationships: Connect with other brand designers, potential collaborators, and and a mentor who can help you take your business to the next level.

But a mastermind for brand designers isn’t just about business strategy and technical skills. It’s also about mindset, confidence, and creating a business that aligns with your values and lifestyle.

What is the Average Cost of a Mastermind Group?

The cost of mastermind groups can vary widely depending on several factors, including:

  • The experience and expertise of the facilitator: Masterminds led by seasoned coaches or industry experts typically command higher fees.
  • The length and intensity of the program: Longer programs with more private support from the facilitator will naturally cost more.
  • The size and exclusivity of the group: Smaller, more intimate groups often come with a premium price tag.
  • The specific benefits and outcomes offered: Masterminds that promise significant results, such as increased income or business growth, may charge more.

For brand designers, the investment in a mastermind can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars per year.

How Often Should a Mastermind Meet? Finding the Perfect Rhythm for Your Brand Design Business

This is a question I hear often from brand designers considering joining a mastermind. And it’s a valid one! 

After all, you’re busy running your business, juggling client projects, and managing your personal life. Finding the right balance between mastermind meetings and everything else on your plate is crucial.

So, what’s the ideal meeting frequency for a mastermind group?

The answer is: it depends.

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, as the optimal meeting frequency will vary depending on factors like:

  • The goals of the mastermind: Are you looking for intensive, fast-paced growth or a more gradual, sustainable approach?
  • The availability of the members: Do you have busy schedules with limited flexibility, or can you carve out dedicated time for regular meetings?
  • The nature of the support and accountability: Do you need frequent check-ins and feedback, or are you comfortable with less frequent meetings?

That said, most masterminds typically meet on a regular basis, ranging from:

  • Weekly: This offers the highest level of support, accountability, and momentum. It’s ideal for those who crave frequent interaction and feedback.
  • Bi-weekly: This strikes a balance between regular connection and flexibility. It’s suitable for those who have busy schedules but still want to maintain momentum.
  • Monthly: This provides a less intensive but still valuable opportunity for connection and growth. It can work well for those who prefer a slower pace or have limited availability.

Introducing Blossom + Build: The Mastermind for Brand Designers That Will Transform Your Business (and Your Life)

Tired of the unpredictability and overwhelm? It’s time to create a brand design business that supports your life, not the other way around.

That’s where the Blossom + Build Mastermind comes in.

This isn’t your average mastermind. It’s a mastermind with a business coaching program embedded inside it. It’s a year-long journey designed specifically for brand designers like you who are ready to:

  • Ditch the feast-or-famine cycle and create a predictable, profitable income stream.
  • Conquer the chaos of client work with streamlined systems and processes.
  • Confidently charge what you’re worth and attract your ideal clients.
  • Overcome perfectionism and imposter syndrome to unleash your full creative potential.
  • Build a business that supports your life, not the other way around.

And I know what you’re thinking: “But I’m already so busy! How can I possibly add another thing to my plate?”

Finding the Right Rhythm for Blossom + Build

In the Blossom + Build Mastermind, we’ve found that a bi-weekly meeting cadence strikes the perfect balance for most brand designers. It allows for:

  • Consistent momentum: Regular meetings keep you focused and motivated, helping you make steady progress towards your goals.
  • Flexibility: The bi-weekly schedule provides some breathing room between meetings, allowing you to implement what you’ve learned and manage your other commitments.
  • Deep connection and support: You’ll have ample opportunity to connect with your peers, share challenges, and receive feedback and encouragement.
  • Expert coaching: I’ll be there every other week to provide personalized guidance, strategic insights, and accountability to keep you on track.

Of course, life happens. If you need to miss a meeting occasionally, that’s perfectly fine. We offer recordings of all live sessions, so you can catch up at your convenience.

The most important thing is to choose a mastermind with a meeting frequency that fits your lifestyle and supports your growth goals.

Discover the Perfect Rhythm for Your Business – Apply Now

It’s important to remember that a mastermind is a time and financial investment in your business and yourself. The right mastermind can help you accelerate your growth, overcome challenges, and achieve results that far outweigh the initial cost.

And that’s where my Blossom & Build Mastermind comes in.

As an experienced business coach for creatives, I’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of masterminds. That’s why I created Blossom & Build, a unique mastermind specifically for brand designers.

Beyond the Solopreneur Struggle: The Community and Coaching Every Brand Designer Needs

Let’s face it: being a brand designer is both exhilarating and exhausting. One minute you’re creating stunning visuals that capture the essence of a brand, the next you’re battling imposter syndrome or wrestling with a creative block. 

And don’t even get me started on the challenges of pricing, marketing, and managing clients…

But what if there was a way to navigate those highs and lows with more confidence and clarity?

A mastermind for brand designers offers a unique blend of support, accountability, and strategic guidance that can transform your business and your mindset:

  • Conquer Imposter Syndrome and Perfectionism: Share your fears and doubts in a safe space, and learn strategies to overcome those pesky inner critics that hold you back.
  • Elevate Your Expertise: Gain insights and knowledge from experienced brand designers and a seasoned business coach, expanding your skills and staying ahead of industry trends.
  • Master the Business Side of Creativity: Get expert guidance on pricing, marketing, and client management – the essential elements that often get overlooked in traditional creative circles.
  • Accelerate Your Growth: With personalized support, accountability, and the collective wisdom of your peers, you’ll achieve your goals faster and with more confidence.
  • Cultivate a Thriving Community: Connect with like-minded brand designers who understand your unique challenges and celebrate your wins.

In the Blossom & Build Mastermind, you’re not just joining a group; you’re becoming part of a supportive community and gaining a trusted mentor who is dedicated to your success.

I’ll be there every step of the way, sharing my 10+ years of experience and proven strategies, helping you navigate the unique challenges of running a profitable and fulfilling brand design business.

Unlock Your Brand’s Potential – Apply Now

Your Business Breakthrough is Closer Than You Think

Feeling creatively drained and financially frustrated? Like your brand design business is demanding more and more of you, but the rewards aren’t keeping up?

Then Blossom & Build might be the catalyst you’ve been waiting for.

Imagine this: 

  • Waking up each morning with a sense of purpose and excitement
  • Knowing your business is on track and aligned with your dreams. 
  • Confidently attracting those high-paying clients who truly value your expertise
  • Effortlessly commanding premium prices for your brand design services. 

Visualize a business that runs smoothly, even with life’s little curveballs, giving you the freedom to spend quality time with your family, pursue personal passions, and design a life that feels balanced and fulfilling.

This isn’t just a dream; it’s the transformation that awaits you within the Blossom & Build Mastermind.

Bringing that visualization to life starts with one simple step: applying.

Click here to start your application for the Blossom & Build Mastermind now and together let’s build the brand design business of your dreams.

Ignite Your Brand’s Potential – Apply Now

I help my clients find their unique strategy to bring sales, marketing, operations, and action taking into alignment.

Create offers that feel good and are easy to sell, simplify your marketing, reclaim your time, and attract next-level income.


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