You’re running your dream creative business.

You’re out there

→ Designing beautiful brands, graphics, and websites

→ Writing persuasive, compelling copy infused with personality

→ Capturing powerful, impactful brand photos for incredible people making this world a better place

And you feel so fulfilled.

Corporate America can literally kiss your ass goodbye because you’re either already long gone and never ever going back or you're halfway out the door with your sights set on success.


More money in the bank.
More free time to spend with your loved ones.
More choices and opportunities.
More rest, relaxation, and fun.

You see the vision for your future so clearly:

But despite your hard work, you’re not quite there yet. 

Right now, you’re trying to match your corporate salary or figure out how to turn your creative side-hustle into a full-time small business.

You’re making anywhere from $40K - $70K a year in revenue, but in the back of your mind, you still feel that money stress…

The refrigerator just broke…how the heck am I going to fix it?

My kid needs new softball equipment…where’s that cash coming from?

Those freaking student loans…how am I ever going to get ahead?

You love your business, but right now, you’re treading water.


And I’ll tell you exactly why:

→ You’ve got little to no control over your lead generation and sales plan

You find yourself relying on referrals from industry friends, never quite knowing when they’ll hit your inbox or posting on social media and praying one of the 20 people who sees your content will hire you.

→ You're physically exhausted and on the verge of burnout.

Somewhere along the way, you’ve become the “YES!” girl, taking on every project and client request without honoring your capacity, interests, and boundaries because you’re afraid of losing clients and money.

→ You don’t know how to lead yourself towards your goals.

Is it a matter of marketing? Is my offer suite set up to help me succeed? Do I really know who my ideal client is? Do I need to get better at sales?

You know something needs to change.

And here’s the thing, my friend:

It can change.

None of this is your fault. 
No one taught you how to run a successful creative business. 
What you’ve figured out on your own so far? It’s incredible.

What you need now?

Personalized support from someone who does know how to run a successful creative business.

Your can

  • See your marketing efforts turn into inquiries
  • Hop on sales calls with dream prospects ready to say “HELL YES!”
  • Work with people who value your expertise, processes, and time
  • Have the financial freedom to make choices
  • Get to spend more time with the people you love

There’s 100+ ways to run a business. Let’s find the way that actually works for you.

Your first $100K year and YOUR success story is right around the corner.

Your calendar is waiting to be filled with creative work you love.

Your dream clients are out there hoping to work with someone just like you.

It’s time to get out of your own way. To get unstuck. To make strategic decisions to arrive where you want to be.

Blossom & Build Mastermind

The year-long, personalized mastermind group for creatives ready to reach their $100K year and design a life that fits their dreams and values


introducing the

-Robyn White, Strategic Web Designer, RDW Design Studio

“Eryn helped me catapult my business and now I’m booking out five months in advance.

Before working with Eryn, I felt like I was treading water and exhausted in my web design business. I wasn’t getting the kind of clients I wanted or bringing in enough sales. I knew I couldn’t keep going on like this and something had to change. 

Eryn’s compassion and kindness made me feel so comfortable and welcomed–and her expertise helped me shift my mindset and transform how my business operates. She helped me create processes that work for ME and my clients. With her support, I’ve far surpassed anything I thought I would ever make. 

If you’re looking for a coach with a huge heart who knows the industry inside and out, Eryn is it!”

→ Uncover and focus on your strengths so you make more impact with less marketing fatigue

→ Create content that builds trust and speeds up your sales process

→ Find your marketing rhythm so you stay visible and consistent

→ Build your sales confidence so you hear YES more often ✨

Create Feel-Good Marketing Strategies

Set up your systems to take simple stuff off your plate and save time using tech

Elevate your client experience so you clients can’t wait to refer you

→ Create processes and programs that strategically extend the lifetime value of your studio clients

→ Improve your productivity so you get more done with less overwhelm

Optimize Your Processes

Clarify your ideal client avatar so you know exactly who you’re selling and serving

Nail your messaging so you attract the right kinds of projects

Design a strategic offer suite that lets you upsell and downsell on sales calls

Strengthen your mindset so you can get through the highs and lows of entrepreneurship

Stabilize Your Business Foundations

Inside Blossom & Build, you will:

So you can actually maintain them, experience the growth you crave, and hit your first $100K year.

The Blossom & Build Mastermind for creatives is all about creating systems and processes that work for you

You will move the needle on your business with Eryn as your mentor. She has 10+ years in the industry and is curating a group of like-minded creatives who understand your struggles and are eager to celebrate your wins!

You deserve to BLOSSOM.

I’ll never tell you to do something and leave you to figure out the rest.

If a system or strategy doesn’t work for you, we’ll find something else that does.

Together, we’ll hone your CEO skills, increase your confidence, simplify your business, and make you more money–all while avoiding burnout.

What’s Included:

Two (2) Monthly Calls

  • Mastermind Call: Connect with the group, share your experiences, and receive support from creatives working towards the same goals as you, all facilitate by Eryn

  • Hot Seat Coaching Call: Receive personalized support and guidance from Eryn and work through questions, mindset concerns, sticky client situations, and your own business growth plan

Audio replay access will be available if you miss a call.

Access to a Private Group Voxer Channel
Inside, you’ll receive additional group coaching to work through sticky situations as they come up and celebrate the group’s wins between calls

Access to a Private Podcast Feed
Expand your knowledge and learn Eryn’s favorite growth strategies (and answers to common business questions) while you’re on a walk, running errands, or even folding your laundry 

Access to the Blossom & Build Collective
Includes live trainings, Eryn’s signature resource suite, a listing in Eryn’s community directory, business challenges, quarterly Ask Me Anything events, and an exclusive discount for private, 1:1 support with Eryn






12 payments of $625


The Investment

Cheaper courses and programs claiming to make your dream business a reality–or those more expensive “kitchen sink” type programs that have something for every business strategy out there–may include “great stuff” like templates, swipe files, and trainings…

But what they don’t include is an expert’s eye on YOUR business.

They don’t come close to the level of customized and personalized support you receive inside Blossom & Build.

My community asked me to create this program because they wanted more time, more freedom, and more choice.

Everything you need to achieve your goals is inside this premium and curated mastermind group for creatives.

Ready to Blossom & Build Your Dream Business?

I love seeing smart women like you use their businesses to create more choice and more freedom for themselves and their families.

I know you want more clients. I know you want more time and flexibility. I know you want a business that can adapt to your lifestyle.

It’s why I help creatives just like you create offers that feel good and are easy to sell, simplify their marketing, reclaim their time, and make more money.

Because my number one wish for you is to live your success story.

I’ve been in the coaching industry for 10+ years and have spent 10,000+ hours mastering effective sales, marketing, and offer creation for project based creative businesses. I’ve seen the backend of so many businesses and I know what’s real, what’s essential, and what’s not. 

My goal is to help you make your own choices while avoiding the mistakes that have been keeping you from that $100K + year, flexibility, and freedom.

I’m Eryn Morgan

Business Coach for Creatives

-Morgan Specht, Brand and Web Designer, Specht and Co.

“I had no idea how to turn my UpWork side hustle into a real business. Eryn helped me leave corporate and confidently run my web design business.

Now I book more clients and make more money thanks to the mindset shifts Eryn helped me create!

I’ve worked with a lot of business coaches and Eryn is by far the most down to Earth coach I’ve ever worked with. She prides herself on being just like her clients and has always met me where I was. I never felt embarrassed to tell her something went wrong. She never put me in a box and her guidance was always heartfelt and personalized. 

I loved knowing that if something went sideways, I wouldn’t have to figure it out all alone. Now, I make confident decisions for myself and my business.”

The Blossom & Build Mastermind Group for Creatives is perfect for:

Brand strategists, brand photographers, graphic and web designers, and website copywriters who want to reach their first $100K year and experience flexibility and freedom

This program is for those who “accidentally” started a business and feel unsure how to reach their goals.

It’s for the creatives who understand making it in entrepreneurship is as much about their personal growth as it is about their business.

For those who might feel a little discouraged right now, but are brave enough to get a little uncomfortable and determined enough to keep pushing.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know the Blossom & Build Mastermind for creatives will work for me? 
The Blossom & Build Mastermind was created to help creative professionals such as web designers, brand strategists, website copywriters, and brand photographers create successful businesses and reach that $100K milestone.

If you need support with your business foundations (narrowing down your ideal client, developing attractive offers, learning to sell, developing a marketing strategy, strengthening your messaging), you will benefit from this program as long as you are present and committed to doing the work.

I can’t hand a successful business to you. You have to create it yourself. I’m here to show you the way and support you along your journey.

What if I don’t love groups?

I don’t love groups, either! So, why am I offering one?

Because I figured out WHY smart, independent women like us don’t like them—and I’ve made sure to create an environment that gives you good vibes and great results.

Inside the Blossom & Build Mastermind, you won’t find vibe killers eager to complain and criticize. You won’t find freeloading teammates like you may have experienced in school. And you won’t be rushed through like you’re in a Coaching Factory with no chance to get personalized, individualized answers to your questions.

Your cohort will be intentionally chosen to ensure a healthy and happy environment, and it will be small. Rest assured that your questions will be addressed every time you show up to a call and every answer you receive will take into account your specific situation.

Want more direct 1:1 support? You can purchase intensives with me whenever you need them.

How can I get 1:1 time with you?
When you join the Blossom & Build Mastermind as a Founding Member, you’ll receive a free private 1:1 intensive with me. We’ll make a fast-track action plan to help solve your most pressing business problem. You can purchase more of these any time you need them.

Can anyone join the group or is it curated?
This group will be curated and participants will be chosen by myself based on an application. This is done to ensure the group will be filled with creative professionals on similar journeys who I know will benefit inside and who can lean on each other for support.

I'm an introvert. Can I still be good at marketing?
Yes, absolutely! I’m going to encourage you to lean into the types of marketing that feel good for you. Inside the mastermind, you’ll learn how to identify the marketing strategies that will be most effective for attracting your ideal clients and align with your personal preferences.

Can I pay for this mastermind on a payment plan? 
Yes! 12 payments of $625 makes it easy on your cash flow and helps you stay in balance while you build.

What if I have the first payment, but am worried about making the second one?
I understand making an investment in your business can be scary. This is exactly why I’m offering a bonus Cash Infusion Workshop when you join Blossom & Build as a Founding Member. We’ll discuss strategies to find more revenue in your business now so you can feel more comfortable making that second payment–and subsequent ones.

Do you offer refunds?
No refunds are given for this mastermind.

Why do I have to make a year-long commitment?
The Blossom & Build Mastermind is a year-long commitment because it takes time and consistency to achieve the results you’re looking for. (Like booking out your calendar and hitting your first 6-figure year.) Solidifying your business foundations, optimizing your processes, and developing feel-good marketing strategies is not an overnight process! Anyone who promises you this is lying.

If you are unsure if a year-long commitment is for you, I encourage you to apply anyway. We can discuss your concerns and decide together if the Blossom & Build Mastermind is for you. If you do join and find yourself unable to finish, you are still responsible for paying for the entire program.

What if I was burned by a previous coach or program?

First of all, I’m so sorry this happened to you. You didn’t deserve that—and the coaching industry needs to do better.

If you’re worried about experiencing this again, take these points into consideration:

1. Know that this experience wasn’t your fault. Marketing is a double-edged sword and a tricky game. Many coaches spend a lot of money on marketing that convinces you their program is *the* answer that will change your life or business, all without taking into consideration your individualized needs.

2. Forgive yourself and see how much you’ve grown since that investment. You’re a more careful business owner now—and much more focused on success metrics.

If you’re considering a new coach or program, evaluate it logically. Have a sales call with the coach, not a member of their team. Make sure they let you read over the contract before you commit to working with them. Look at their professional history and both their positive and negative results. Ask how many people they’ve refunded and see if they give you a straight answer.

3. Get really specific about what you actually need and make sure your new coach or your new program can actually solve that problem. Is it for your niche and business model? Is it from someone who is an expert in the problem you need to solve now?

4. Consider whether the coach or program is selling you “what worked for them” or their specific framework or formula. Is there an opportunity for it to be personalized for YOU and your needs? Will this coach be able to teach you what you need to learn in a personalized way and help you adapt your new knowledge to your business?

Again, if you’re feeling unsure, just apply. An application does not commit you to the program. Let’s have a real, no-strings-attached conversation to determine if Blossom & Build is the right next step for you.

What if I’m not sure what direction I want to take my business?
That’s not a problem at all. It’s actually a great place to be in the Blossom & Build Mastermind. As long as you can bring your skills and talents (the only thing I truly can’t teach you) to the party, I’ll help you with your business. Inside, we’ll audit what’s working, what’s not working, and lay the foundations for your most fulfilling path forward.

What if I’m already working with another coach?

This doesn’t surprise me because I know you want to grow. However, let me ask you…

Why are you already shopping for your next coach or program? Maybe you’re dissatisfied with your current coach because your needs aren’t being met. Maybe this coach isn’t keeping their promises—or what they’re telling you to do isn’t working. These are all good reasons to be looking for new support.

Check in with yourself and ask—Am I doing the work that’s required of me? Am I holding myself personally responsible for my results? Have I spoken up for my needs? Be honest and consider this before making another purchase. Otherwise, you may end up having the same experience.

How much time is left in your coaching package? If you’re almost done, looking to address your next business challenge, and confident the perspective of a new coach is what you need—great timing! You’ll want to spend some time researching new coaches and programs. Blossom & Build is a great place to start.

Lastly—do you have a new challenge that your current coach isn’t able to address? This happens more often than you’d think…and waiting until a future date to address it could cost you more time or money than you want. It might be time to make an additional purchase on top of the work you’re already doing to get back on track towards your goals.

Still not sure if Blossom & Build is right for you? Apply. Come learn more about how I coach my clients. If you’re accepted, you’re under no obligation to join us. You get to decide.

For you, it’s not about living a life of luxury.

It’s about booking consistent work that makes you happy.

Reclaiming your time and your energy.

Having the freedom to go on vacation, celebrate a special life event, buy a new computer, and never think twice about your morning Starbucks coffee.

It’s time to stop believing you have to go it alone and sacrificing your sanity to achieve your goals.

To stop making cheaper investments that end up wasting your hard-earned cash.

To stop telling yourself you’ll get help when you reach a certain income level. (Which, by the way, I know you’re struggling to get to on your own.)

Join the Blossom & Build mastermind group for creatives, receive personalized support from a coach who really cares about you, and learn to become a confident CEO.

Applying doesn't obligate you, but it will give you clarity.

-Jennifer Lyker, Website Designer and Strategist, Inksplash Designs

“Since working with Eryn, my business takes so much less energy to run and I’m working at an even higher level!

I was in the “I’ll do everything” phase in my business before I met Eryn. I was so stressed and knew something needed to change, but felt intimidated hiring a business coach. I didn’t want to burn my business to the ground and completely start over.

Eryn was nice, supportive, and met me exactly where I was. She personalized our coaching to exactly what I needed, whether it was tough love or incredible insights.

Now, I’m so much more confident in my decision making and handling tricky client situations! I always hear her voice in my head guiding me and I’ve been able to completely transform my design business because of it!”

Are you the roadblock standing in the way of your $100K year? Of the time and financial freedom you crave?


I know how the hamster wheel goes…

→ You need to make more money, which means you need more clients.

→ You need more clients, which means you need more time to find and serve them.

→ You need more time, which means you need support.

→ And to get that support, you need more money.

I’m dizzy thinking about it already…and I know you are, too.

What if I told you inside the Blossom & Build Mastermind, you’ll learn how to

→ Find clients more easily?
→ Set up your systems to ensure success for yourself and your clients?
→ Get personalized support from an experienced coach who's guided countless clients who have been exactly where you are?
→ Create the plan to reach your six-figure year and get off that hamster wheel for good?

You’re capable of this commitment.
You’re capable of your goals.

Stop waiting and create your success story now.

Take the very next step towards your $100K year.